Cheshire Gardens
Professional Gardening Services

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Gardening Tips

Autumn/Winter tips

We are busy at this time of the year doing a lot of Autumn/Winter tidy ups,  just because the weather may not be great it is a good idea not to neglect the garden. 

Now is a good time to do some pruning back and clearing of leaves, especially off grassed areas as this can cause bald patches.  From now is also a good time to get those Spring bulbs in ready for a good display next year.

If you're thinking of doing any hedge planting, from Mid November the nurseries start to stock bare rooted Winter Hedging which can work out more cost effective than buying potted shrubs during the summer months.

Oh and don't forget your garden wildlife over the winter months - Hedgehogs are the gardeners friend, eating many garden pests including those dreaded slugs! Oh and those garden birds need some extra food to help them through the winter.


Continue to prune established trees and shrubs. Prune Wisteria, cutting all but extension shoots back hard.

Do not be afraid to mow the lawn in mild spells, otherwise it may be overgrown by Spring.

Still time to get those Spring bulbs in but be quick!

Dead head winter flowering pansies in baskets and tubs to keep then flowering freely.


Deciduous trees, shrubs and hedges can be planted during mild spells.

Prepare sites for Spring planting.

Continue to mow lawns during mild spells.

Feed the birds on the lawn to encourage them to gather and eat lawn pests.

Prune summer flowering clematis by cutting them back hard when they start to grow.


Hard prune buddlejas, hydrangeas, paniculata, spiraeas and tamarisks.

Prune flowered shoots of winter sweet and winter jasmine.

Cut hardy fuchsias, summer flowering clematis and shrubby mallows back to live wood.

Hard prune dogwoods and willows grown for winter bark.

If you have neglected the garden over the winter, now is the time to consider a Spring tidy up.


Mow established and new lawns and gradually start to lower the mower blades.

Lightly prune shrubs such as Japanese quince and early flowering clematis that have finished flowering and trim lavenders into shape.

Continue to sow new lawns.

Plant late flowering perenials.

Tie in climbers and wall shrubs.


The grass starts to grow quickly now so mowing once a fortnight is ideal for most lawns.

Feed poorly growing turf with a high nitrogen fertiliser.

Repair any bare patches of grass.

Clip hedges to keep them looking smart especially privet which will be growing fast now.

Remove suckers from tree bases.

Tidy up wilting daffodils and spring bulbs.

Time to start planting those bedding plants!


This is a good time to think about any turfing jobs, just remember to keep it well watered!

Remove suckers from those rose trees and check regularly for pests and diseases, treat as necessary with a Systemic insecticide.

Finish planting up those baskets and containers with summer bedding but do not forget those slug pellets!


Prune deciduous shrubs after flowering.

Trim back hawthorn and hornbeam hedges.

Keep lawn edges trimmed and mow regularly.

Think ahead and plant Autumn flowering bulbs. Summer prune Apples and Pear trees.

Apply weed killer to paths and patios.

Remember you will be using the garden a lot at this time of year so keep it looking nice for those Summer BBQs.


Give privet hedges a further trim.

Clip Beech and Yew hedges.

Prune shrubs that have finished flowering shortening stems and thinning out old wood.

Remove dead branches from evergreen shrubs and trees.

Continue to dead head fading roses to encourage flowering and don't forget to keep those bedding plants watered daily and fed weekly, and if your away on holiday arrange for them to be kept watered!


Continue to mow lawns but raise the blades slightly for a lighter cut.

Continue to treat weeds and moss in the lawn.

Cut back old, unsightly perennials to ground level.

Remove annuals as they die off.

Plant Spring bulbs in containers.

Plant up hanging baskets and tubs for winter and Spring using a mixture of dwarf evergreens such as Ivies and bedding plants such as Pansies and Primulas, and early bulbs.

This is also a good time to think about a late summer/autumn garden tidy up.


The leaves are beginning to fall now so keep them raked up regularly especially on grassed areas to avoid bald patches on the lawn.

Continue to mow lawns with the blades raised and apply Autumn fertilizer.

Plant winter bedding for a splash of colour and dont forget to plant those Spring flowering bulbs.


Continue to mow as necessary as the grass will continue to grow if the weather remains mild.

A good time to tidy up those flower beds and borders and of course keep on top of those leaves.

Prune established Apple and Pear trees.

Gives hedges a trim before the winter.


A good time to prune out dead, damaged and diseased branches from established trees and shrubs, cutting back to healthy wood.

Continue to mow with the blades set high, if the growth of the lawn demands it.

Finish preparing seed beds for next Spring. Prune established bush roses by shortening long stems by half.

Ensure that the garden is looking tidy for those Christmas guests! If using outdoor lights and decorations make sure they are safely connected to the power supply and always use a circuit breaker/trip-switch that has been fitted by a qualified electrician.